All photos on were taken by Vince, sailing students or friends. We do not use stock photos to promote our Sailing School or Worlds Aquarium our 501 C3 non profit!
We now offer two locations to choose from!
All photos on were taken by Vince, sailing students or friends. We do not use stock photos to promote our Sailing School or Worlds Aquarium our 501 C3 non profit!
We now offer two locations to choose from!
Ms. Toni is a 40 ft. Jim Brown. The owner had some serious health issues and the boat was left for a few years basically unattended here in the San Carlos at the Los Tomates anchorage in San Carlos Bay. We got the boat put into the Marina just before Hurricane Newton devastated the area with 70 knot winds. We were happy to get Ms. Toni tied up to the Marina and safe since the hurricane pretty much swept clean any boats that were left in the bay. Yesterday we finally got her towed to the boat yard in Guaymas and safely pulled out of the water. While Ms. Toni was on the hook she was frequently boarded and robbed of several things. Solar Panels are gone along with the steering wheel and I am sure a host of other items. With that said the boat is still in great shape considering her ordeal. We were so happy to make sure she did not die in this last hurricane!! Thanks to Frank, one of my Sailing Students from New York who took the time to help me get her to Guaymas. It was an all day affair!!