All photos on were taken by Vince, sailing students or friends. We do not use stock photos to promote our Sailing School or Worlds Aquarium our 501 C3 non profit!
We now offer two locations to choose from!
All photos on were taken by Vince, sailing students or friends. We do not use stock photos to promote our Sailing School or Worlds Aquarium our 501 C3 non profit!
We now offer two locations to choose from!
Bob and Florence had incredible weather for their 7 day sailing course. February tends to be the windiest and coldest month of the year here in San Carlos but this year was a bit different. Due to the monster el nino we are having this year the water temperature is still hovering around around 70 degrees in shore and the air temperature was in the 70’s and sometimes 80’s. As you will notice from the pictures we almost never had a jacket on during the whole 7 day course since the wind was not a cold bitter northwesterly like we usually have. Instead we had a very nice warm north and north westerly wind for almost all the days except for the final day which turned out to be the least windy of them all yet we still sailed most of it.
This February we also had far more boats sailing in the bay than we normally have so it was great practice to figure out who was on what tack and thus who had the right away. Bob is looking to purchase a boat down here and we are actively consulting for him to help him find the right boat for him.
I also ran into Bonnie and John at the Marina San Carlos fuel dock , who are also from Canada by the way!! Vive Canada!! Bonnie and John took a three day course with us a few months back and now have gone on to purchase a a boat of their own, Ingenium, which is pictured below. I got a great shot of the calico kitty they have on board!