Catherin and Cheryl came down from Tucson Arizona and had seven perfect days. Day 1 was windy and they both got a bit sea sick, Day’s 2 through 5 were perfect sailing days with any where from 5 to 10 knots of wind. Day 6 the start of the over night Bareboat charter certification saw some seriously windy conditions. It was easily blowing 25 plus knots on the outside with 5 to 6 foots waves. Day 7, our final day, we had a lovely 10 knots to finish if off. We never sailed with the dolphins this week but we did get a chance to see some fin back whales in the bay. I also got a chance to see a fin back whale breaching. Which is a fairly rare occurrence. And what is even more rare is to get a picture of it, which I actually did.
So thanks so much to Catherine and Cheryl for coming down and taking a sailing course here in San Carlos. These gals are ready to charter a small boat any where in the world and did a great job sailing the trimaran back into the bay all by themselves on the last day.