Well everybody did well today but poor Dan was a bit under the weather. The wind was very light yet that did not stop us from practicing the following, docking, mooring ball pick ups, heaving too and reefing of the main as well as a few figure 8 man over boards. So even though it was light wind we still accomplished a lot. And as true to form since it was very light wind we had a lot of sail boats out on the water. Now as soon as the wind starts to blow we, as usual, will most likely be the only boat on the water. So many fair weather sailors in San Carlos!!!
- Several Boats on Water today
- Man Overboard Drill (MOB)
- Retrieving Kenny our Man Over Board
- Dan Vomits as we pick up MOB
- Kenny Back on board safe & sound
- Dan not looking so hot
- No wind several sail boats
- On light wind days we see more sail boats